
my neighbor decided to breakdown all walls in their apartment. Like, seriously, all of them, so I've gotta hear hardcore construction sounds from 8am till 5pm, everyday...
So now I'm waking up at 4pm and going to bed 7am. That way, since I can sleep thru a zombie apocalypse itself, I avoid that torture.

I'm not someone who holds grudges, but I am leaving a speaker blasting whitenoise during my sleep time. That way, I can make sure the motherfuckers go thru at least some of the discomforts I'm went before I managed to go nocturnal

  • 1
    Oh he stopped at 5pm? I had a neighbor that decided to fucking chainsaw his tree at 9pm in the dark for a few days in a row. Just from a safety aspect it was stupid. It was also a dick move.
  • 2
    I mean he's keeping to a sensible schedule to be fair

    also lol
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