Telling a web developer to use Divi, WP Bakery, or any similar WordPress page builder is like forcing a plumber to use your little kid's kindergarten toy tools to rebuild your bathroom.

Those tools don't even work! Divi: "your save has failed". Bakery: saving an element's styles will randomly mess up the whole WYSIWYG page preview. Gutenberg: you can write HTML, but I won't accept it. Let's attempt block recovery so I can destroy it completely.

It feels like trying to use PowerPoint to develop a website. Who's the target audience of this kind of crapware and how are they supposed to use it?

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    Nesting a column layout inside a column layout can be done in minutes using HTML and CSS, but page builders need extra layouts that you must learn to use, what's this BS?

    Ironically, page builders were made so that website owners can edit their content without hiring a web developer. But what's actually happening...

    WPBakery is even worse than Divi, and they dare charge their clients a monthly fee?!?!?!?!
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