Ok, so I recently have been losing interest in coding outside of work. I wasn't like this idk what happened. I mainly work on frontend and backend but mostly frontend. I can feel my inner self wanting to code but idk what to do, do I build something?, do I learn a new language? I heard rust would be the best language to know in a post-apocalyptic world.

Any recommendation and what to do to get back my coding vigor? thanks

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    Rust is a fraction of a percent adoption. Visual Basic, both and new, has orders of magnitude more use in the industry right now.

    I would make something fun. It doesn't matter what language.
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    Walrus Crab, also known as 'Lord Rust', is the de-facto ruler of the Unholy Rosmarus. He is a quasi-daemon, well-versed in glyphcraft and high mogrifics, incredibly cautious to the point of paranoia. A despot through-and-through, it is by his command that Litopolis burns during the First Invocation. His favorite signa are sombregray leaden slug and communal self-inflicted obnoxious loathing.

    Like all walruses, he is a sworn enemy of the Undecimvirate, and his subhuman followers are hunted down like animals. Doctor C. Morgom instructs the vagabond to collect six samples of Crab's vaginal bleeding for a mysterious brew that *may* cure Sabrina's chronophoria, but this hunt is abruptly ended by the patriarchs, who direct the vagabond to Crisalida without further explanation.

    That is called a diversion: it doesn't need to make sense, it's just for entertainment. And I don't know what entertains you anymore than you know what the fuck is all this arcane lore.

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    Why on earth would I do that? Do you think a surgeon is operating people for his leisure? I already have a job.
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    i personally feel like there's a limit to how much a person can read and think hard throughout the day, which makes coding a very exhausting job.

    maybe you're just tired from the work routine and don't have the energy to start personal projects
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