I got the original bioshock for christmas (i love older games, got a bunch, was really happy), and this game is spooky as hell, reminds me a lot of system shock. Got any similar games i could try?

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    Gosh, that moment in the doctor's lab when the lights turn out... I almost sh*t myself the first time it happened 😱
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    @matsaki95 never liked the 3d ones, im more of a sword person, but ill check out the isometric ones thanks

    @Aruixe ye i was just at that part lmao, i hate unintentionally creepy games
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    The newer Prey is actually pretty close to the system shock formula. I loved it.
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    @vexusia yeah, i love metro, they all have a very distinct atmosphere

    @CWins i hope my pc can handle that :|
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    It still has some technical problems left that make it run really shitty in some scenes, so yes, that may be a problem.
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    Well there are 2 others :P bioshock 2 and bioshock infinite. Infinite is more action based than horror tho. 2 was pretty good. All 3 of them amazing fucking games man.
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    @AleCx04 yea, i also got 2 and already played infinite, but man, it was so short, finished it in like 6 hours
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    The Thief series is apparently pretty good, and kind of creepy in some parts. I haven't played them myself, but a friend talked about them regularly. Might be worth a look.

    For a very good older game, play Vampire: The Masquerade. It's like Deus Ex meets Vampire AD&D. Definitely recommend. (That's some good friggin chicken!)

    Unreal 1 is also quite good. It's an exploration FPS with great music. Almost everything about this game was done just right. I still play it occasionally!

    For bizarre and wonderfully creepy (and difficult!), try American McGee's Alice. It's Alice in Wonderland if Wonderland was an LSD-infused nightmare. Totally recommend.

    (All of these should run very smoothly no matter your specs.)
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