
Hey guys, could use some opinions. So I live in a country with a pretty small economy. I've been working at a big company out here for about a year now. Initially my plan was to work here for a year then apply for grad school in the states, try and use that leverage for one of those big us dollar jobs and potentially one of those magic green cards I've been reading about. I work about the equivalent of 35k/yr in my current position. It may sound pretty ordinary to some of you guys, but here it's a pretty huge salary. It's pretty hard to walk away from it. It's now becoming difficult to make the decision of giving up such a high salary, to make the time and money investment in school. Running the risk of spending a year or 2 in school and then not being able to work in the states. Putting the money aside i know that there'll be greater oppurtunity for learning and growth in the states, so it may be worth it for the experience alone. What do you guys think ? Take the risk? Stay safe in my job? look at other countries maybe ? I'm all ears.

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    maybe you could consider the job you currently have as experience and apply for a usa position? i don’t know how that would work with your green card though
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    @calmyourtities It is worth a shot. That would definitely be the ideal for me I just considered it a long shot. I'm gonna give it a try though
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    @tevyt you’re right about that. It would probably be hard as a junior.
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    Remote positions?
  • 2
    @Root Never considered it. Potentially a very sweet deal actually. I'm thinking trying my luck applying for jobs may be the better option
  • 1
    @tevyt Never rule out remote work. It's really kind of awesome ☺
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