
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.

Does anybody know of ways to stop that horse from calling you an asshole as they die of thirst?

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    generally I get murdered, if only I was just called names 😔

    to be fair this happened in friend groups before jobs were a thing. nothing makes someone angrier than them ignoring your warnings and then the embarrassment of what you were warning about literally coming to pass after they staunchly made fun of you for weeks or months on end

    people say if you're gonna say the truth you better make it funny but I could never figure that one out. it's funny to me but not to them!
  • 6
    Poison the waterhole and tell the horse it’s now filled with electrolytes and herbal medicines to enhance mental clarity and sexual stamina
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    @shovethisrant Certainly there are some pretty hardcore poisons that fall in the category of "electrolytes".
  • 4
    Find a better horse?
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    Leave the horse, get a Chevrolet corvette, a stingray if possible.
  • 1
    Unfollow, and post shit like #pureblood to piss them off.
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    Greatly depends on the horse. If they are the type to not drink for the dumb, yet ridiculously prevalent reason of abstaining due to some perceived strength/pride of only drinking if they were responsible for finding the water, this may help...

    I sell smoking accessories, often wholesale to dispensaries and smoke shops. I had an amusing (to me... in a lab rat way) customer that primarily sold concentrates (sticky, dense wax). He had the best product and prices, but people kept complaining that theyd lose about 10%+ of it because it stuck in the plastic containers.

    He paid 55c each, non-reusable, container. I sold silicone containers (ones that people would buy for themselves for long-term reusability for 1$+ each). I offered the solution for 25c less per container than he spent on the shitty ones. Nope.

    A week later i gave out several samples of silicone containers to all other shops in the building. 2 days later he contacted me asking for info then buying hundreds at 36c each.
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    I should mention...
    This tends to work indefinitely. The type of person that's so mentally/emotionally concerned with pride that they miss the clear logical answer in front of them also tends to develop a kind of pseudo-stupidity (their actual intelligence could be genius level or mentally retarded, doesn't appear to matter).

    As long as you dont do the exact same thing too many times in a row, the concept can be very frequently reused. The concentrates guy didnt actually sell anything to smoke/vape the concentrates with either. I just 'coincidentally' brought him a couple new vape pens, clearly placing them on the counter right next to a customer he was helping. Customer inquired about the price and he made up some nonsense, trying to not lose a potential sale, to direct the price question to me.
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