
Friend: "You're a hacker, right?"

Me: "If you prefer to name it like that, yes"

Friend: "So... Could you hack a phone for me and get all images on it?"

Me: "Who are you again?"

  • 1
    I'd just say no and tell him to look up debug/developer mode through USB recovery.

    If he asks: "soo..can you?"
    Reply: "no. Refer to previous statement."

    I'm not sure if telling how it's done, would be legal trouble for me if so happens though.
  • 3
    @lotd According to German law it is legal to explain how it's done, as long as you say that it shouldn't be used in illegal ways... But tbh I wouldn't even bother explaining it to someone like that
  • 0
    This happens to me ALL THE F*CKING TIME. If I had a dollar fit everytime somebody asked if I could hack somebody's Facebook account, I'd be filthy rich.

    Sidenote: I also am a hobbyist security researcher.
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