
Something I wrote in my "how not to run a company" notebook:

Getting told you've now replaced the CTO as the person people ask for support (literally, he was recieving no questions), but you're not experienced enough to be promoted to senior.

I replied by telling them I was interviewing elsewhere.

Made me laugh. Is it really that hard for management to get that they should invest in talent?

  • 5
    If the notebook ever gets full, it's something that would be a really fun book.
  • 1
    @atheist share the notes here. A preview
  • 0
    Make a blog
  • 6
    @atheist basically how Dilbert got started. The company he worked for made him choose his comic strip or his job. He chose the comics, but lamented losing source material he got from meetings.
  • 1
    @Demolishun just then try not to devolve into an extremist loony...
  • 0
    where i am you can actually sue if you do the same work as someone that makes more than you, idk how it is in the US
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