
New years resolutions:

1. Reading all 16 books on my goodreads list
2. Learn Clojure
3. Switch job to a company which appreciates my skills more
4. Be the best dad my son could wish for

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    Welcome to devrant!
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    I hope all your lispy dreams come true fellow Clojureist!
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    Be sure to do N*4
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    @HRT-713 It's the most important thing on this incomplete list. :-)
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    @1989 The 16 mentioned Books are (in planned order):

    The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement (Just finished :D)
    What If? (Just for fun :D)
    Coaching Agile Teams
    99 Bottles of OOP
    Agile Estimationg and Planning
    Practical Object Oriented Design
    Agile Testing
    User Stories Applied
    The Mythical Man-Month
    Code Complete by Steve McConnell
    Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by tests
    Design Patterns (GO4)
    Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
    Waltzing with Bears
    Refactoring to Patterns

    Planned rereads (in planned order)

    Test Driven Development: By Example
    Working Effectively with Legacy Code
    The Pragmatic Programmer
    Clean Code
    Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C#
    Clean Architecture
    The Clean Coder

    I deleted the authors because of the length of this post.
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