
If deleting lines of code means I'm deleting potential bugs...

should I delete EVERYTHING? ):)

  • 2
    I suggested that jff to the product manager once.
    He was like "If you don't delete all features but just the unnecessary code... "
    Who would leave "unnecessary code" in the product?! *rant*
  • 2
    The problem:
    deleting lines of code also deletes potential features!

    write lines of code which have a higher potential of being features than bugs. :D
  • 3
    In this case, everything I deleted WAS totally unnecessary and unused code, so I lost nothing and gained a cleaner codebase.
  • 1
    In my opinion deleting lines is harder and more valuable than adding them. And no, deleting lines doesn't necessarily correlate with deleting features. Like 90% of all software is boilerplate or plainly unused.
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