As a TV OS developer, I'm interested in enhancing the user experience by providing more granular control over applications. Specifically, I'd like to be able to:

Monitor the current state of an application, such as whether it's open, paused, or playing.

Interact with the application's UI elements, like buttons, menus, and sliders.

Control the application's media playback, including starting, pausing, stopping, and seeking.

Are there any existing APIs or frameworks within the TV OS ecosystem that would enable me to achieve these goals? If so, could you please provide more details on their capabilities and limitations?

  • 4
    as a TV OS developer, you're wasting your time.

    just use a regular, dumb monitor and plug any android device into it.

    don't reinvent the wheel as a square with 6 corners.
  • 3
    as a TV OS developer, please make the apps faster... It takes to much time to open Prime video/Netflix/Disney+....
  • 1
    @tosensei, in my current company, I am required to create an application for smart TVs that targets specific apps, such as YouTube. This application should allow me to perform certain actions on the currently playing video, like playing, pausing, or skipping to a specific timeframe, through my developed application—similar to what I can do with the YouTube web version by targeting the video DOM element. Is this allowed on YouTube for TVs?
  • 0
    @priyanshu-kun I would say it should not be possible. It's a security risk for user.
  • 0
    @priyanshu-kun you will need to see whether the apps you’re targeting provide deep linking capabilities and leverage those deep links from your app. You won’t be able to control an third party’s app unless it provides some openly accessible way to do so.
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