
Fuck golang, apparently enums are too complicated for the human mind. Someone looked at C and decided to make it shittier, like now I have to deal with C shit, and use a garbage collector on top of it or use fucking C++

  • 5
    Ever time I have to touch Go, I'm just filled with pain and sorrow.
  • 4
    I don't know, I like golang a lot lately. It really is a very specific tool for specific needs though. The Enums are a bit wonky, that's true, but they do exist in a similar way they existein Python and you get channel primitives and goroutines with golang which are awesome
  • 5
    An enum in Go is just a set of consts.
    Whats the pain point exactly?
  • 0
    Yeah there are no enums. Go has plenty of quirks but it's highly effective.
    Rust has a really nice enums implementation but you will be fighting a lot of the language at the beginning.
  • 1
    @Hazarth I still like it a lot too. It's easy to debug and often feels a bit like a scripting language and comes with all the tools you need by default. Super low maintenance. Sometimes they do take the simplicity part a few steps too far though.
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