Bind learning c++ chapter 3

Fuck whoever says that java is easier than c++. If i populate memory i can just fucking clean it out. I have access to the literal fucking stack my code runs on. I can integrate assembly. I can fucking make my program run in -3 seconds for fucks sake, this is so much easier than java where i have to fuck around with scopes to nudge the gc to start cleaning up and i need a separate engine to access jasm code.

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    I don't know C++, but I approve the java part, I fucking hate that language -.-
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    @gitpush i hate you too
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    @BindView meh haters gonna hate :3
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    @gitpush heaters gonna heat
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    Feel the POWER!
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    Ive worked a lot with java and also hate how little control you have over memory related shit I had written a math lib for a game framework I had been making for Android but on Android you can't force call the GC and it would stutter the game each time it ran which was whenever it wanted so I ended up redoing my math lib passing everything as references to arrays and writing to referenced arrays as the return value just to prevent floats from being allocated in memory so the "stop the world" GC stutter wouldn't be there. Then I got to strings for UI stuff and couldn't do anything about those :/
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    @BindView they better do, it is not funny keeping us freezing lol
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    @hexc you can actually control the gc but it takes a lot of effort for minimal gain
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    @BindView hm on Android? I know is used to work but the method the have exposed in the API didn't seem to do fuck all. Regardless though when youre aiming for silky smooth animation, calling the GC at any time is not ideal so I had taken the no allocation aproch but stupid strings if they need to update you can't just recycle there memory :(
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