Fuck you Intel.
Fucking admit that you're Hardware has a problem!

"Intel and other technology companies have been made aware of new security research describing software analysis methods that, when used for malicious purposes, have the potential to improperly gather sensitive data from computing devices that are operating as designed. Intel believes these exploits do not have the potential to corrupt, modify or delete data"

With Meltdown one process can fucking read everything that is in memory. Every password and every other sensible bit. Of course you can't change sensible data directly. You have to use the sensible data you gathered... Big fucking difference you dumb shits.

Meltown occurs because of hardware implemented speculative execution.
The solution is to fucking separate kernel- and user-adress space.
And you're saying that your hardware works how it should.
Shame on you.

I'm not saying that I don't tolerate mistakes like this. Shit happens.
But not having the balls to admit that it is because of the hardware makes me fucking angry.

  • 3
    I normally support Intel but really fuck em. First they tried to play monopoly on the market as AMD didn't have good CPUs. Now they have ignored meltdown and trying get away with "Intel and other technology companies" bullshit.

    Fuck em. I will change my CPU to Ryzen when I get the chance.
  • 6
    "Guys, its fine"

    - Intel
  • 7
    Nice one.

    * Horrible bug.
    * Shipping new generation of CPUs with a known error. Be ready to get sued.
    * CEO doing insider trading.

    Almost Volkswagen level.
  • 2
    I really should read my rants again before I post them.
  • 1
    It is not about who is affected but about the way they are presenting it.
    AMD on the other had this sentence in their press release
    "Total protection from all possible attacks remains an elusive goal and this latest example shows how effective industry collaboration can be."
    Not that my next processor will be an AMD for sure. I will just buy the product that is better for me.
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