
It's almost 4 on a Friday and my coworker just left early. The only thing before leaving was to tell my boss about a problem in production...
Leaving me to fix it...
"Hey, I just heard about a problem in production. Can you fix it before you go?"
Not cool dude... Not cool.

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    wow that's shitty. I always ask my pm every Friday morning what we NEED to get done for the day before I quit working. then I usually ask again in the afternoon just to make sure there are no 445pm surprises. sucks when you have to watch your back from your own Co workers though.
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    Low - very low.
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    "That's still open? <early_exit_coworker_name> was supposed to have fixed that yesterday."
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    Things like this is when it's OK to punch a dude in the face. They'll think twice next time. We had a junior dev for a minute who was tasked with doing a project at 3pm that would have taken him longer than an hour to do. His end time was normally 4pm. I volunteered to do some of the work so he didn't have to do it all. Lil shit left at 4pm leaving me to work over on HIS project. He was Supposed to pick up on it later that evening, but when I got in the next day, it still wasn't done.
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