
VK has the weirdest client side errors 💀

  • 1
    And this is how you kill your viewership or customer base
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    idk if Russian has capital letters so i doubt it affects their real customers lol

    But im wondering programatically what'd be the need for this
    Maybe to simplify their search?
  • 1
    just a missing localisation with a fallback to the default language.

    nothing weird about it.
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    @tosensei Yep, looks like it. The English variant on the left implies that all fields (despite this particular error appearing under only one of them) must end with a capitalized name, while the one that falls back to Russian implies that only one capital letter can be present in the name.

    Either way, both these errors are fucking stupid and they come from idiotic mentality. Whoever required those must have a tapeworm of a worldview. I bet it's a kind of a person similar to "patriots"...
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