
Gnome, you are a piece of shit. It has taken 4 people over 3 hours to create a .desktop file to launch a fucking bash script due to varying levels of inexperience.

Die in a fire you flaming putrescent turd.

What the fuck does putrescent even mean?

  • 2
    What maniac makes a desktop shortcut on linux
  • 2
    @retoor Literally every Linux user who uses a desktop environment, instead of launching all apps with the terminal, uses .desktop files, otherwise your Activities screen/Start menu would be empty.
  • 0
    @novasurp true, but they're not manually made
  • 1
    @retoor the biggest issue is it was customer site with tech support person on site. We cannot send images, or files to use on site. The security is all locked down. People were trying to put the files in the home directory instead of desktop. So there was the learning curve of making the stupid file, point to the script, and making sure it is allowed to run.

    We needed it because we needed the customer to be able to launch the script from the Desktop. No idea if there was an easier way. What pisses me off the most is there is isn't any kind of feature to make it from the desktop itself. Something that should have taken seconds. Fuck Gnome.
  • 0
    @retoor A number of Linux apps come without .desktop files and require you to make your own, it’s one of the reasons Linux is so unpopular as a laptop/desktop OS.
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