
My wife mentioned that any prompt to chatgpt was akin to leaving the faucet open for three whole minutes, in terms of water usage.
Thus she would stop using generative AI .
Love, I'm sorry but generative AI has taken over. Even DNS lookups are using AI (including generative).
It is literally impossible to use any device connected to the internet without the blessing of our generative AI overlords.
And since people hardly spend one single hour of their day (including sleeping time) without using an internet-conected device at least once, I would say we're all in the matrix since circa 2023.

  • 2
    So, I’m a 🔋 then!
  • 11
    Can I get a source on the DNS lookups claim? If we're really using gen ai for DNS we, as humanity, are doomed
  • 6
    @Hazarth yup, generative AI for dns lookup sounds nonsensical
  • 2
    I think at some point someone is going to get misleading dangerous information that leads to death/injury/financial loss. Then at some point people will have to disclose that their tools are using AI or get sued.
  • 2
    @Demolishun Just a generic “double check to make sure this is appropriate for you” warning would suffice.
  • 4
    @Hazarth , they are using models to try and identify man-in-the-middle attacks that are based on DNS, like DNS tunneling.
    They literally sniff every package during a DNS lookup...
  • 3
    Sure. Let's scour the Earth of resources so that Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and whoever else can tighten their stranglehold on everything they touch.

    All so people can deliver products built from concepts they don't understand for a fraction of the cost of hiring an expert that does understand what they're doing.

    In a generation, no one will know how to do anything without the assistance of AI. And by extension without the blessing of Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and whoever else controls the AI, no one will be able to do anything.

    Try creating a competitor to these entities using their systems or thinking unsanctioned thoughts when all you know is what their systems have allowed you to know. See how far that gets you.
  • 2
    @cuddlyogre I wish there was some way to avoid this future. But it is not, because the future has been like this for more than a year now.

    Nowadays nobody can cook, not since food delivery was invented. No one can drive, too. Uber made sure of that. No one can write a single word without being punished by autocorrect, guilty of orthographic crimes.
    Can you believe people used to tie their own shoes? Zippers ended the art of knots. Soon no one will be able to see or hear without a VR headset, just like they are unable to walk without a Segway.
    I blame the homo habilis. Since that stupid "tools" thing, no one knows how to use their teeth and nails.
  • 2
    @JsonBoa You are being sarcastic but almost every one of your points is true for the average person and getting worse every day.

    How many people can make change or read a clock or cook a meal or plunge a toilet?

    How many people being paid as programmers that use AI actually understand the code they are shoving into production? Less and less is the answer.

    What will you do when your Internet goes out? You'll just twiddle your thumbs because you don't actually know how to do anything.

    What will you do when you want to learn more about a topic that is contrary to Google's self interest? You just won't learn it and you won't even question why not.
  • 2
    @cuddlyogre I do fuck all when the internet works. So I am not sure if internet out would be better or not.
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