
ولن يرمش لي جفن
I won't bat an eye.

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    He’s gone now. Wasn’t even able to wave to say goodbye.
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    welcome to war bruh
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    @Tounai @azuredivay You don't understand: I am desensitized, not to our tragedy, just to your sentiments. Infinitely worse has been said and done, thereby rendering praters altogether irrelevant; empty purposelessness weights not on me.

    Verily, my every step is the cementery's burden. And what we carry, you simply cannot.

    Glory to our martyrs.
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    @Liebranca dying in war is always glorious
    I await the day my gandhi-dick-sucking country goes through it so I get to experience a beautiful death

    you're living the dream, you're lucky
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    @Liebranca my joke is nothing compared to the people revealing themselves, showing their support not to the Palestinians but to Hamas leader who participated to a massive attack on civilians and a kidnapping.
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    @azuredivay Enjoy your pornography.

    @Tounai Who is blowing up residential buildings and who is blowing up tanks? You know the answer.
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    @jestdotty 5 years of England provides a very nasty sense of humour NGL
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    @jestdotty Ah! Regarding bad behaviour, it’s my personality, apologies for the confusion.
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