
FOMO on technology is very frustrating.

i have a few freelance and hobby projects i maintain. mostly small laravel websites, go apis, etc ..

i used to get a 24$/ month droplet from digital ocean that has 4vCPUs and 8GB RAM

it was nore than enough for everything i did.

but from time to time i get a few potential clients that want huge infrastructure work on kubernetes with monitoring stacks etc...

and i dont feel capable because i am not using this on the daily, i haven't managed a full platform with monitoring and everything on k8s.

sure u can practice on minikube but u wont get to be exposed to the tiny details that come when deploying actual websites and trying to setup workflows and all that. from managing secrets to grafana and loki and Prometheus and all those.

so i ended up getting a k8s cluster on DO, and im paying 100$ a month for it and moving everything to it.

but what i hate is im paying out of pocket, and everything just requires so much resources!!!!

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    I love k8s, i run it at home.

    If you take the 100/mth and turn that into 1200 for a year, you can build a decent on prem k8s cluster with little nucs and an unmanaged switch.

    That won't give you experience working with EKS or equivalents, but those are all over priced anyway. You can deploy k8s to bare metal in the cloud and save a fortune, and be cloud agnostic.

    The rest is just VPC/VCN configuration, auto scalers, storage, load balancers, and auto scalers, all of which can be learned outside of k8s anyway.
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    @lungdart im loving it too, but do you ever feel its bloated?

    if i have laravel website, on a server it wont take much ram to run it

    but in k8s id have to set aside 200-300MB of RAM

    i feel k8s has great value for huge platforms and startups but for websites and hobby projects its too bloated
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    For sure it's bloat. It's a tool to allow scale, it's a nuclear warhead that people use when a stick would suffice.

    If you need to serve 100 million monthly active users, no one server can do it. K8s allows you to scale horizontally to pull it off.
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