
One time while enjoying the Halloween festivities I was kidnapped.

What happened was this, in my brilliant genuine way of thinking, put on a Stormtrooper costume and stood outside the front door like a model statuesque persona to frighten the living daylights out of the trick or treat gremlins, Doing such an amazing job as usual, pretending in my head that I was invisible for about an hour scaring the life out of everyone when for brief moments to break character.

Along came a car, it backed up to the ground I fought hard to gain that night, as a problem solving professional I remained silent and still as two assailants proceeded to place me into the back seat of their car.

Now ladies look away. When they were discussing what I was worth they actually didn't expect me to sit up in the back seat and say "donde esta la biblioteca". I was wearing a Deadpool outfit under my Stormtrooper uniform the whole time and I got to beat up some bad guys, so this is a really nice fuzzy carebare story with a happy ending.

  • 1
    Did you say it with a slightly gay lisp? Doesn't count if you didn't mantel Ryan Reynolds by gaying it up a bit.
  • 2
    @Demolishun I couldn't do it, I have a northern Irish accent, slightly more frightening for some but still, I couldn't pull off a Ryan Rodney Reynolds if you paid me.

    Did you know he was killed in the X-files too?
  • 1
    @bazmd nice, I haven't watched X-Files in years though.
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