Can I only pick one?

I don't hate a lack of skill by itself. Incompetence, in my book, refers to a lack of skill combined with being in a position of responsibility.

The junior/intern in my team writes pretty bad code, but that is OK. He asks questions, I give pointers and bounce back his PRs ten times in a row, and he keeps fixing things without complaints.

My boss however... still writes PHP as if he's living in the 90s. He doesn't visit scrum meetings because he "isn't a developer". He thinks of a new feature while pooping, writes it without telling anyone, and throws it into production without making a PR.

  • 24
    I had a boss who used to write features, if not entire programs, directly on a production server.

    Additionally, he was using a Centos VM on his Windows laptop in order to run Vim. He didn't really know how to use it.

    He would always fuck up and make us stay late and fix his problems.

    He once spent en entire day writing a script on the server. Then failed to scp it to his VM and deleted the original. This is only one example of his many failures.

    That's pure incompetence.
  • 4
    Thank you! This puts into clear words something I thought of unconsciously for years, which helps alot.
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