
figured maybe you can specify dependencies specifically to be used in main.rs (as a standalone executable) or lib.rs (as a library)

since for some reason there's dev-dependencies which specifies they will only be used in tests or whatever

well rust actually doesn't compile code that wasn't ever called / would be run (and nags you about code you have but didn't use anywhere). this means binaries are smaller and all that. i've known about this but seemingly the AI insists nobody needs to specify dependency differences between main.rs and lib.rs because of this quirk of rust compiling

ok well then why the hell is there a dev dependencies and a normal dependencies then?

well no good reason.
- "intentionality" -- how about the clarity of intentionality between being an executable or a library?! no? guess not
- build optimization, because traversing usability graphs can be taxing especially in big projects. ok. again still applies to executable vs library problem
- "community and ecosystem practices". really? we've always done it this way? shove it 🙄😩. you try to innovative and then willfully inherit the problems you solved of other languages... because that's how we've always done it. lame

double standards. so annoying

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