
it's like someone invented government bureaucracy for no reason at all https://github.com/Rabbival/...

what am I even reading

  • 0
    That's just bevy

    Definitely a little all over the place but it allows you to write game logic which safely and concurrently can mutate your game state / entities

    Entity Component Systems in other languages don't look much different
  • 0
    @jestdotty Not all Rust code looks this bad :P

    Yes, bevy is kinda horrible. But for a good reason! The problem it solves just sucks, whether in Rust or C++ or Java

    If you want to read codebases, check out cli tools written in Rust, I think they are generally a lot nicer

    For example just: https://github.com/casey/just/...
  • 0
    @jestdotty (actually scratch that, the just codebase seems *very* small file-ish lol)
  • 1
    Every time I see "fn" in Rust I think "f'n'"

    Check out my f'n' code!
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