
A few weeks ago one of my counterparts in another department, who happens to also has a vowel-rich name, started sending some of his reports under the name "Bjorn Ragnarsen".
The report itself still have his own name, "bjorn.ragnarsen" is just the sender on the email.
I asked what was going on and he says that he was A/B testing click rates on his emails. The partial results were... very depressing, due the much higher levels of conversion when compared to his regular, properly spelled name.

So now I'm workshopping vowel-deprived names to sign my reports. "Fjall Eriksen" sounds too cartoonish? Maybe "Otto Kirchoff"?

  • 2
    Try Russian or Bulgarian names. They are maximally vowel-deprived.
  • 2
    How do you know It's because of vowels?

    Maybe more people clicked because they seen a new name they never heard about?

    Maybe they just don't click your colleagues mails because they already know what it will contain and don't care?

    Any other tests were ran?
  • 0
    My current character name in skyrim game Yussprehkcuf.
  • 1
    @Demolishun you mean Yssuprehkcuf
  • 1
    @Lensflare I wonder if I misspelled it, doh...
  • 2
    @Lensflare I will just roleplay my character is dyslexic or some shit.
  • 1
    Serbian is basically Russian but without vowels. So Serbian names should be it
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