
Screen is viewed as inverted, but the cursor is still right.
Thank you ubuntu, but fuck you.

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    I just solved by booting up Ubuntu from recovery and clicking on the first entry (restore boot or whatever it is)

    I don't want to format everything again just because of this
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    @LeFlawk what should I see if it's not set correctly?
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    @jAsE honestly, I've never had this problem with Windows, but it happens often on ubuntu ahahaha

    But I'll never go back to windows by my mind, I'm totally in love with ubuntu even if sometimes I want to erase it with fire
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    @smaso i have mixed feelings to ubuntu sometimes, too. For example when the mouse doesn't fucking work or when it renders the font reallly buggy but i'm in love with kde
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    @LeFlawk I've spent too much time to tweak gnome, the inverted desktop is annoying, but I don't want to change erase all of my work ahahahahah
    Btw thank you for the link
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    Is it ubuntu 17.?
    I had issues with multiple screens and mouses, too.
    Went back to 16.04 - everything fine.
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    I had EXACTLY this problem, once
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    When a Linux says this, you must change your world upside down.
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    Try 'xrandr -o normal'
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    @tennox it's 17.10 with gnome 3.26

    @snotr tried, for ubuntu "normal" means the rotation in the pic I uploaded
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