To automatically register your software to open on login should be classed as a capital crime, with the punishment being public execution by the spoon murderer

  • 0
    Imo, desktop operating systems should be more like the mobile operating systems.
    Every time that an application wants do do something with the system, the user should get a dialog and choose to allow or to forbid this action.
  • 1
    @Lensflare windows already has that, and SELinux is a thing.
  • 1
    @electrineer Windows has that for some things. MacOS even more.
    But there are a lot of things still that applications can do on Windows and macOS that they really should not be allowed to, or at least should ask the user for permission.
    Like that autostart example.
  • 2
    @Lensflare that's applies to mobile as well. Everything autostarts and has full access to internet.
  • 5
    As long as it is configurable I am okay with it. What I really hate is it fucking checking updates when I don't want. No Java, I don't EVER want to fucking update...
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    Microsoft Teams even after uninstalling it, a dialog still pops up on after login telling me it's crashed 😑
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    @AceDev oh yea you need it to finish updating. and make sure to restart your pc afterwardss, so we can begin bithering you anew once we managed to boot up in time.
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