
If you are using a language that allows OOP and you're not coding to OOP standards... I hate you.

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    I think this applies to any language or paradigm. Most languages are design to be used in a specific manner to solve a specific set of problems. If your problem requires a different approach, you should probably use a different tool(language).
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    What is OOP?
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    @debug, it's what that Java you're learning is structured with. Here ya go, https://docs.oracle.com/javase/...
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    I know man. But my comment was sort of sarcastic. Getting OOP done right is tough. Most people just think in terms of inheritence and classes, but it's much more than that.

    With that said, I also encourage to learn the functional paradigm. It actually helps in seeing OOP in a different way.

    Thanks for the comment btw. My bad for writing that without context.
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    @debug, I've actually got a pretty cool perspective from parasitic inheritance from JavaScript... Yeah, I think polymorphism is a thing that's overlooked often times, but generally you should be willing to learn as much of that particular language. Definitely if you plan on making a career out of it; if you're making a living off of it I hope you're passionate about it, otherwise it's going to be a long ride. Anyways, back on topic... I feel like there are a lot of nuances that happens with OOP that are not known to those who haven't embraced the concepts fully. It is a powerful structure when used accordingly.
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    @debug, also if you have a solid understanding of OOP then it shouldn't be hard to execute it.
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    Functional programming is the new OOP 😬
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    @cahva no, it's not

    there's no single silver bullet, however, the claims of FP are relatively tangible
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