
It was a shitty day.. At least the GGJ is coming to lighten it up..

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    sorry but im new to this, how can i participate? can i still register now?
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    You can search for a location close to you at https://globalgamejam.org/2018/...
    And then register on the location's page. Details (sign-up deadline, price, duration of the jam, etc.) may differ a bit depending on the location.
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    @helloback okayy i thought it was like one of those game jam where you can just do it at home, thanks for the info
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    Hey hey! Another global game jamer!

    It's so hot in new zealand atm (at least where i am, cant wait to get inside to make games with some air con lol)
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    @savethecode it's one way to meet other game devs probably my only way to socialize (outside of game dev meetups lol)
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    @f03n1x yeah but you have to be 18 here.... im 17, dammit
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    @savethecode ah right :/ thats the thing i dont get about the game jam, its not like the locations they pick let you drink alcohol (at least where i am, which is a university) so it's a bit strange (there is an after event get together at a pub but thats probably optional)
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    @f03n1x I know rightt, i just want to gain experience from professionals and people around me...
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    @savethecode i have a friend in canada that wanted to do the same thing, she/s in the same boat not old enough (age limit there is 19) but shes been lookong forward to monster hunter so i dont think she minds too much
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    @f03n1x moster hunter? is that another dev event?
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    @savethecode monster hunter world, it's a game coming out on ps4 and xbox tomorrow
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    @f03n1x oh okayy i thought it was another event
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    @savethecode nope but if you want to look for any other game jams this website has a giant calender of them http://www.indiegamejams.com/
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    @f03n1x nice! thanks for the heads up man :)
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    @savethecode no problem i found the person who made that on twitter randomly saw the site and thought it was amazing
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