Week : 68 ( Year 1 )

How is the weekend going?

Where are you spending your vacation specifically?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/11551285

  • 3
    Just chilling...

    ...in a place that's usually very warm, but has finally frozen over.
  • 2
    Good, optimizing my anti-spam system. To downvote or retrieve a rant is now just two lines of Python code. The retrieval of a rant is now cached by the server. Everything is working fast.

    I have several processes that read rants and sometimes downvote them. The anti-spam system has several applications. That's why it is important to cache well and that it is easy to maintain. I don't have to sync the client code anymore, which is very nice:

    from xmlrpc.client import ProxyServer


    With this system, you can build a decent working anti-spam system in minutes. Double downvoting is prevented. Every downvote gets executed with a different bot, so it doesn't lose its downvote privileges. Every downvote is executed three times so a rant doesn't show up anymore.
  • 1
    I just found out I've been attacked and killed in a video game and I'm feeling particularly miserable lately so maybe I'll actually do something about it

    probably I won't though and nothing works
  • 1
    I popped the panic attack cherry. Shawshank Redemption helped me turn it around

    (Holding your breath, I think it was in that movie).

    Long story short, gulags still exist in Germany. Acting under a legal banner.

    Aside from that, I cant wait to meet my family again. Apart from the support she gives me, my mum makes the absolute best salmon steaks 🥹
  • 2
    Depressed, burned out, and really stressed about Christmas. Also taking care of a newborn. Wheeeeee
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