But... But... D:

  • 8
  • 8
    I thought is said outrage! I guess they are on strike. Lolz
  • 11
    Oh shit it doesn't say outrage? This entire time I thought it said outrage lol.
  • 3
  • 3
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    This is why you don't rely on some proprietary software for comms. You have no control when it's down.
  • 3
    @teganburns it works like this:
    Microphone > opus encoder > server > duplicate package to all other clients > opus decoder > speaker.

    So their current netcode would not work without servers.
  • 1
    only 4 servers lol
  • 4
    Yes, because I don't like chatting that much. I'm not a very social person, as you can see.
    If someone only joins a minimal amount of servers, there's nothing wrong with it.
  • 1
    Happened to me, nothing to worry about c:
  • 1
    @romangraef so? I joined like 25 servers, but am only really active on 2 of them (the others are just for GameWhisp reacts)
  • 2
    @Krokoklemme I've joined close to 120 servers. 110 of them are for the emojis lol (yes I paid for proprietary software)
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