
Apply for position as an iOS developer. Nail the interview. Get the job. Get asked to write backend in JavaScript. Now I gotta learn JavaScript.

  • 0
    That was my reaction too.
  • 0
    I know the feeling. I built my first app, and then was assigned to build a site using Node. Not exactly what I was expecting.
  • 3
    Been there too. By now I try to focus on the good part that I am going to learn something new.
  • 2
    It's always good to learn new languages and JavaScript is good to know. With your background it should come fairly easily. Good luck!
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  • 3
    waa hired for Android dev, and now I'm learning how to pin point possible trade ahead transactions in stock market :p
  • 2
    I think javascript should be a language all devlopers should at least be comfortable with.
  • 1
    That's life! Learning new things means more skills.
  • 0
    I dissgree I picked up JavaScript in two weeks of working on a project

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