
Do you ever get those moments if you wonder if you're in the right field? I'm not talking imposter syndrome or anything, just plain, you can't do it.

I've been staring at this cpp function for over an hour now, and I still can't decide where is the right place to return it. This is like every single day while studying cpp, and it's seriously beginning to dishearten me. I know it's just one of those things that'll come with time, but it's been nearly two years now and I still can't get it...

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    Try a friendlier language to start out. Learning to program with C++ is like learning to fly in an F-35.
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    @blackmarket I wish I had a choice man! It's uni so I'm tied to cpp. In my spare time I've learned Web development and frameworks enough to earn a decent side wage as a freelancer, I just can't get to grips with cpp!
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    @magis Interesting... Are you working with embedded systems or what?
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    @blackmarket no its a regular desktop environment, I mean just a regular function that I can't figure out
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    I think most of us feel like this when learning something new. Just keep trying and you can overcome it!
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    Sounds like you're just not quite thinking of it right. if you're hitting JavaScript fine your issues should mostly be when you get to pointers, objects and typing. Shoot me a message and I'll try to help. I taught an intro cpp class for a while.
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