Metaprogramming maybe easy to write but is so fucking hard to read and harder to maintain. Why do people even like these dynamic languages anyway :-/

*a very loud and miserable groan which may be cry for help*

I hate my life right now.

  • 4
    ror ror go away,
    never come again any other day
  • 4
    It's fun ... until you forget how the hell it works.
  • 0
    metaprogramming is there to make things easier to read and is doing a great job.
    don't blame the tool for its incompetent users, please
  • 0
    @ac1235 if it's job was to fuck maintainability and testability, then yes, it's doing a great job!

    (Incompetent users, lol, good one)
  • 0
    If a programmer is not educated in language design, she is incompetent regarding the creation of a DSL.
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