
I fucking hate spring boot. I can go unwind and nobody would hear this but boy, does it suck. Every single thing about it is a pita. I spend 98% of time I should have used for feature implementation in JAVA, struggling and battling MUNDANE functionality of the framework that ought to be nobrainers

Today started out with a project I inherited. I don't even know whether to blame its original author but he installed a couple of funny libraries for logging. The spring app doesn't build yet gradle build completes successfully. No errors are logged to the terminal, just reams and bundles of json. WHY IS THE APP NOT BUILDING??? You want me wrangling json through that pinhole console window?

I struggle with the yml settings, none works. Eventually get rid of the package (hint, it wasn't the slf4j one). I'm able to debug app not starting now, but now live reload doesn't work

I copy configs from a previous project where it worked into this. Nope, doesn't budge. Eventually enable an ide setting but now server restarts twice after file changes. The implication is that request argument annotation no longer works! So the server just restarts and has amnesia about argument type resolution

I've been sitting here for hours, without implementing a single new feature. Everything is a painstaking, avoidable aggravation VS the "framework". Never seen anything as horrendous. No line of java code yet. I just want to send a request, retrieve parameters and verify live reload is "up and running". You'd think something as low level as this shouldn't take more than two minutes. Alas, welcome to the incredible world of spring development

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    "flee every appearance of springboot"
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    Still less painful than raw springframework though...
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    @netikras I actually thought I loved the framework after reading "spring in action". Craig Walls is hilarious af. His habuma spitters and conventions. Turns out the book was painfully outdated and nothing like professional development. That spring doesn't seem so bad. But hell, who would assume this reality after watching spring crash courses on YouTube? Everything just flows, smoothly and merrily, until you dip your feet in the water. Then you realise the tsunamic storms beneath the surface

    The point is, I'm not even coding. I'm fighting the framework. From point a to point b, it's a contrivance not captured by those media. Every time, always one hitch hindering productive dev
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    Now I'm reluctant to visit my system again. Not to solve bugs in the user story. But because the platform itself makes me feel less of myself and decelerates progress
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    @Nmeri17 well, I find spring boot much more intuitive, esp when it works by default, unless you break it.

    But Spring is not the best friend of mine, even though I've worked with it for years. When it breaks or you hit a corner case, it's hell of a challenge to get it fixed. Nothing short of hacking the shit out of it.

    After a few of such 'fixes' I had the 'pleasure' of diving deep into its engine and figuring out how it works and how to inject my stuff into it [eg swapping beans at runtime with different implementations of the same interface].

    Regardless, now I'm no longer a fan of such framewotks. They are ok to bootstart an mvp or a poc, but eventually they become a burden where you spend most of the time wanking a Spring's beans until it feels happy enough to grant you a runtime you want.

    My last 2 projects were spring-free. Very happy about them!

    IMO the best approach is to hide libs and frameworks behind custom abstractions, to make them easily swappable separated
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