
When you get a system update and think it's Oreo, but it's just a security update. Fuck you Lenovo

  • 2
    I feel you. My LG g6 did the Same 😓
  • 0
    @Olias yep. Got the January security update several days ago. But hey if its not Oreo at least we are getting security updates. LG is notorious for not pushing updates.
  • 0
    What new feature does Oreo bring that you absolutely need? 😋
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    Same goes for Motorola division of theirs
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    @mzeffect I just like the overall look of it.

    @XiovV Because I'm not fucking around with my phone. I don't have $300 laying around to replace it if I fuck up the phone, because I have no idea what I'd be doing lol.
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