What do you prefer and why?

  • 0
    Left side. Only heathens and Java developers use the right side.
  • 1
    Right side. K&R C :-)
  • 1
    @spl0 Did you just name drop Knuth and Ritchie? Someone should have ctrl+a, k, f'ed that book and formatted the code snippets properly. 😂
  • 3
    It depends on which language I am using.
    => Left side when I write in C#.
    => Right side when I write in JavaScript.
    I prefer the right side anyways, but I can't see my C# code like on the right!
  • 1
    @achehab VS automates the left side. It's kind of like switching operating systems, eventually it becomes the norm for the system.
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    @ingenioushax haha, Kerninghan! :)
  • 1
    @kevbost yep VS does that, it's like a standard and we have to follow it. I also automatically use the left side when i write in C#, i got used to it.
  • 1
    Left side is why developers need portrait monitors now!
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