Just upgraded my Pi status display from an CharLCD finally to an OLED display. Love the possibilities.

  • 6
    Pihole reprezent..
  • 3
    Looks awesome, how tricky are those displays to actually use?
  • 3
    Also waiting for an answer from the question above :)
  • 6
    @j4cobgarby If you find a nice library it's pretty simple. I'm using luma.oled. Just modified the controller a bit to make scrolling text possible.
  • 2
    @iThink94 oh Okay :) where did you buy the display from? Adafruit?
  • 2
    @j4cobgarby I think i found a local distributer over adafruit. Adafruit was too expensive with shipping to Germany.
  • 2
    @iThink94 for me too, in England, I ordered some parts from pihut
  • 3
    Rich guy. Pi3, Ethernet, power adapter.

    I'm running a W over Wi-Fi and powering it with USB from one of my router's ports. @vexusia
  • 2
    I spend wayyyy too much money at PiHut. @j4cobgarby
  • 9
    Yes, you can make dozens of pennies per year on a Raspberry Pi. @Dimmerworld
  • 3
    I love wireless but there is nothing butterier than the click and old-school reliability of plugging in an Ethernet cable into every-things....@vexusia
  • 1
    @riteshx95 Either from Adafruit directly or from a local distributor. They have a list at Adafruit.
    This is the 2.7" Version.
  • 0
    @iThink94 Welchen Anbieter hattest du den genommen? Kannst du vlt. einen Link zum Produkt senden?
  • 0
    @jfdev War damals glaub ich bei exp-tech.
    Weiß aber nicht ob's das nicht irgendwo günstiger gibt.
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    Is there a color compatible version?
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm You mean a color display or the python module?
    Colored OLED are available too, but as far as I can see, not in that size.
    The module I'm using should support colors.
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