When I was in school days I didnt like computers that much. I knew how to use them but thought classes were lame.

It was a couple of years ago, in the last year of my first computers-related career (here there's no computer science like in USA). It was in the initial stages of my graduation project and our teacher took a look at our database design, fixed it all. And explained:

"The better you designed your database, the easier it'll be to code the project" Explained to us the importance of database normalization and all that.

I really understood it all and discovered finally what was the thing I was studying and how to do software.

From that day, in my early 20s, I've been loving software and knew this is my thing.

Same feeling 6 years later.

  • 1
    Grande amigo! Mismo sentimiento, pero solo 5 meses en esta profesión y forma de vida.
  • 0
    @pedrorojas-g lo que sigue es bastante pero muy emocionante :)
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