There are lots of people paid real money to get their stack overflow account boosted.🤖 Answer me if I'm wrong.🐅

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    Why would you?
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    @spacem many oversea companies require a stack overflow account. I guess reputation is a real thing. I seen people with a 2years old account with 30k. What do you think?
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    Well you can get lucky by asking something that gets lots of ++ but also you can farm ++ a bit so I imagine people can get that high that quick? I guess recruiters might be interested to see what types of questions and answers someone asked but it would be dumb to base someones current skills off that.
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    @spacem I believe Bayes theorem more than luck. If you ask any dumb questions, the chance are lots of negative votes or got shut down immediately. If someone asked something really straight forward n got more than 500 up votes in recent years. Something smell fishy. I might just overthinking.🤔
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    Buying rep shouldn't be possible, SO has algorithms in place that determine sudden growth in rep over unlinked posts. Also, should a user get around that filter somehow, he would be ranked pretty high on the stats pages. Bought growth would stand out and would be manually checked, resulting in reverting the changes to rep and/or banning of associated accounts
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    @Kimmax register zombie accounts is real. Just like Twitter.
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    @sunfishcc if rhese start randomly up voting, especially content of a limited user set, they will vanish as fast as you create them
    Also every vote given will be pulled with them
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    @Kimmax I know stack overflow often close well established questions. But do they really delete questions with hundreds of up votes?
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    @sunfishcc I was speaking about zombies
    If you post a question that receives hundreds of valid votes, you earned them. It's not as easy as you might imagine
    If you bump a question using hundreds of zombie accounts you gonna get your ass wiped out of the platform
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    @Kimmax I mean something like this. With 15k, he got know the rules.
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    Well looks like he asked lots of basic questions in the early days like this in 2010 https://stackoverflow.com/questions...

    So many people google that sort of thing so you get many upvotes over time. Today you can't ask that easy question because someone else probably did already.
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