One dev at the company I work is developing an API and the response for all the requests are basically the same.

However, for example, if you request a login and your credentials are wrong the response gives you:

'msg':'credentials error'

But if the credentials are correct, the response gives you:

'msg':'logged in!'

Is that correct? I mean, does that compromises security?

  • 0
    As in giving away foo and var?
  • 1
    If the user failed to authenticate then the API shouldn't expose foo and/or bar. I don't know what foo and bar are, but IMHO non-authenticated users should not receive a JSON structure. What about leaving the body empty and answer with a 401?
  • 0
    @coookie exactly, I mean... The API is revealing some information (variable names) to unauthorized users
  • 0
    I don't know JavaScript. But if the variable names are exposed, is it a problem?

    Does the security rely on them being kept secret?

  • 1
    @spl0 Exposing vars may or may not lead to a security issue but not exposing makes sure it doesn't lead to anywhere
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