I was in college studying stuff I couldn't care less about and had a job that was consuming me. A couple of colleagues and I then decided to open our own company. Four years of sleepless nights later, all colleagues left. I had lost touch with family and friends, had lost a girlfriend and had been left with all the company's debt to pay. Going back to my old career seemed like the only option, but I couldn't let me sabotage myself again. I sat my butt in front of my sister's computer and downloaded every coding class I could get my hands on. Getting used to sleep deprivation helped. Eventually I built my first app and landed my first freelance job. All hat in hand, I told this company I didn't have much experience and they told me they'd hire a senior developer as well. It was on a Sunday morning, at 4am, with the deadline breathing down our necks, that the senior developer had jumped ship and the company asked me if I could take over the project. That moment I realised it's all about being competent. That moment I knew I could do this.

  • 12
    Awesome story and your determination is admirable!
  • 3
    Appreciate it, @dfox. Means a lot to me.
  • 4
    "It's all about being competent". Amen man. Amen. That is my mantra. That's really all it takes
  • 2
    With blood and sweat in your backpack, you're very well prepped for the job, as well.
  • 2
    @andersoyvind There's no better school than grinding away.
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