
Start changing how young people look at programming. It’s not nerds doing nerdy things, it’s about real people using code to solve real problems. I think once the mindset changes it will get many more people interested.

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    To be honest, a lot of people got into programming because they wanted to be seen as “smart nerds”, but maybe you are right. Personally I haven’t met anyone who wanted to be a programmer, but resigned because of possibility of being seen as a nerd 😅
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    >It’s not nerds doing nerdy things

    speak for yourself sir!
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    @vlatkozelka there are a lot of people who could be good at writing code but they never got into it because the barrier to entry was too big, or thought it wasn’t for them because maybe they didn’t like math or whatever. All I’m saying is that we need to tear down the boundaries around it. Nerds are still welcome and needed!

    About your rant on people getting into the industry just to make more money, and all they have is 6 weeks at a code academy, yes this is a problem but a separate one imo
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    I couldn’t disagree with you more. Software development is pretty much the hottest shit in the world right now.

    Developers are the new rock stars and the new city traders rolled in to one.

    And I fucking love the fact that even with that fact, it’s still us nerds who rule the roost.

    The pretty boys and popular gals may want to do what we do, but they never will because to be great it takes a level of dedication and discipline they only a *real* nerd can produce.
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    More people == less work for us
    Less work for us == worse wages for us

    I am actually pretty comfy with current situation when finding good paid job is extremely easy in IT (but I guess that depends on region where one is living)
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    I don’t think they should become devs, just people who know the basics and can use it to make their life easier and learn how to learn by themselves. Because that’s the problem, they can’t automate things that should be, they fear any type text-based configs and they can’t fix easy problems
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