What do you guys do to prevent or reduce back, neck and/or shoulder pain?
Im only 18, starting to have a pain in the back every second week or so :s

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    Go to gym and work out your back. Invest in a good chair and desk. Set up a pull up bar right beside your work station and do a pull up whenever you need to think / take a break.
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    @Froot that would cause more trouble.. xD
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    @rasm945i it's fun at first tho
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    Do some pull ups on free hanging rings. I manage only to do 5-7 and repeat once or twice. I do that every other week. It totally does the job. Now that I missed a month, I also suffer from back pain.
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    @Froot yeah, i believe that. Its not my thing tho, hopefully never will be :P
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    @rasm945 i saw that how much interested you're in this topic that you're only replying to drugs
    Ohh sorry I mean froot xD
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    @rehman i ++ the answers i find useful, as i dont question or deny them :P
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    Add extra padding cushion in back!
    Gives more support to back (spine)
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    The only salvation is to lifting heavy weights... There is your dumbbell. Take it! 🔩
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    @sunfishcc already doing that, doesnt seem to do the trick
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    @rasm945i go harder, go further!
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    @Nawap Better build up the muscles to support the spine.
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    Iam kinda a weak guy!
    Moreover building body takes a lot of effort mentally and physically !
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    @Nawap 3x5 pull ups every other week.
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    Exercise, gym or swimming whatever helps you strengthen your back and shoulders
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    @paedub i dont have access to free hanging rings, but i assume pulling yourself you in anything helps, right?
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    @rasm945i Yes, you could also use a bar, there are even bars to attach between your door frame. But rings are far better, because they're not rigid and thus train the muscles more thoroughly.
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    @paedub i got access to a bar, the one to pull yourself up with in this case. And that makes sense
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    @paedub managed to pull myself up 2 times or so about a week ago. It sounds ridiculous, but i think it already has made a change.
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    @rasm945i Good to hear!
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    @rasm945i I can do 10 pull up 2set easily.
    By beginning I couldn't do single one. Keep it up!
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    @sunfishcc definitely will :)
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