When you your computers graphics card keeps crashing the computer.

I get 7 seconds before it crashes. About 5 are used up from typing in password and loading...
The next 2 seconds involve me trying to type in device into start menu... Next I will type in manager.

I am at the anger level where I am saying audibly "I will destroy you" "Arch is next" "Screw you Intel" "You have failed this city"
Real anger rising! πŸ˜ πŸ˜‘πŸ‘ˆβœ‚πŸ—‘πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”«πŸ”«πŸΉβ›πŸ›’πŸ› πŸΊπŸΈπŸΉβ˜ β˜‘β˜’πŸ“΅βŒ

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    win < (driver support) < *nix

    ...wait what the fuck? What world are you from?
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    Am now getting 3 seconds...

    I know driver support is better on Windows, but not this time. and I am just going to use the basic driver...
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    Use your mobo's onboard video, gag because it's 1024x768. Use ie to download chrome. Then run chrome and go download your card's drivers from your OEM's site, install. Shutdown. Swap cable back to gfx card. Reboot.

    if that doesnt do it:

    Also look at Event Viewer's hardware section, find the event probably marked as "critical", copypasta into google (possibly including gfx card model) and you'll probably have your fix.
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    @rozzzly Love the: use ie to download chrome
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    @rozzzly Driver support is better on Linux than on Windows.

    Mainly because old hardware continues to be supported that Windows drops support for as newer versions are brought out.
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    @Wildgoose Does you 3 year old laptop's wifi adapter have the drivers available for Windows? You bet your ass. Does it have one for linux? ..maybe, but you might need to spend half an hour crawling though forums And what about that media card reader? does Toshitba have a '.deb' available for download? Doubt it.

    Things have gotten better in the past few years. but I still had to spend 10+hrs trying to map the extra btns on my Logitech g700s (mouse) but windows gets a nice drag-n-drop interface!
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    @rozzzly I agree that newer hardware is better supported on Windows.

    However I have a two year old Lenovo laptop that was supposedly compatible with Windows 10 that now no longer has working Bluetooth, and whose audio software has been downgraded to the lowest common denominator that works.
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    Cant you boot in safe mode for such issue?
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    @liammartens no. because I previously disabled the built in driver because it was crashing the system because of multiple drivers...
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    I am now trying to reset the pc. wish me luck.
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