
Just because you can learn HTML in a day doesn’t mean that you don’t need a degree.

Did you know that your browser, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and even your operating system use linked lists, binary trees, hash tables, and other so-called “useless” data structures?

It’s important to understand the roots and fundamentals of computer science even if you won’t use that knowledge day to day.

It changes your perspective on programming once you learn what actually goes on under the hood, and makes you think twice about the impact of what you write.

It’s relatively easy to get a programming job without a degree nowadays, but it often leads to web developers claiming that degrees aren’t important to their web apps.

There is much more than just the web to computer science, and that’s something to always keep in mind.

  • 9
    Not when your CS degree consists of fucking molecular physics, media philosophy and useless shit like that... I've spent half a year on my studies and haven't learned a single. Fucking. New. Thing related to CS (the stuff they tought was either unrelated to programming or so simple that I knew it already...)
  • 3
    @Kodnot That’s a different case—if you haven’t learned anything then a degree might not be helping ;)

    Still, my point was that it’s still important to get into the nitty-gritty computer science topics rather than disregarding them completely.
  • 3
    @king yup, and my point was that getting to know the details and getting a degree are often completely separate things ☺ Though I do agree that understanding the inner workings of the systems you use is very helpful
  • 3
    @Kodnot is not helpful... Is fucking necessary to know the basics. And I don't mean assembly, I mean fucking Cs theory, complexity notation and patterns.
  • 3
    there are countless developers who studied CS and don't know these things and countless developers who do not have a degree, yet have that knowledge. Degree does not give anything usefull if you're not willing to learn it. And sadly i know a lot more of the first kind of devs...
  • 0
    @Anookas I totally agree! A degree isn’t the only way to learn these things, but it’s one of the ways to learn.

    Sadly, people often disregard the degree along with the topics they will learn—my point is that it’s important to understand the fundamentals of computer science.
  • 0
    @DefiniteGoose I never said it was “useless”.

    These underlying computer science concepts are used under the hood by every computer, and are important to understand.
  • 1
    Who says "useless" data structures? Clearly someone who's not actually doing any programming.
  • 0
    @Hastouki You’ll be surprised by the number of developers claiming that they are useless simply because they don’t use them in their jobs. 🙄
  • 1
    @king that's like me claiming trigonometry is useless since I don't apply it in my day job.
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