I present the poor man's rubber duck debugging: paper duck debugging

  • 3
    you got yourself a palindrome! 1221
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    You can have Papa duck for just $99

    You can have Mama duck for just $999

    You can have Baby duck for just $9,999

    Or get the full pack for $99,999 for a bugless, O(1) program.

    Edit: each duck expires after one code execution. pre-order now before they’re gone.
  • 3
    This is actually really adorable.
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    @enoon i'd gladly spend $100000 for a program that can crack rsa in O(1). With post-quantum-cryptography only in the making one would be god
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    @Michelle i was thinking of going full james veich and build my own army of ducks, each one with a paper sword or toothpick. Then I'd give pre-battle-speaches like "My men, listen up. Somewhere out there is the enemy. We don't know their numbers and even one of them can take hours to defeat. Once you git commit there is no going back. TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL, and what is a bigger hell than ones own code?" Still thinking that's adorable?
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    Even better. :3
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    @Michelle i was serious, ya know?
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    Oh wow. I thought you were kidding. xD
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    @Michelle at first i was, but i got bored and i needed some buddies to have around on my birthday
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    It's your birthday?

    Happy birthday! I might not be there physically, but I am digitally! :)
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    Thank you ^^
    It's not my birthday yet, in 3min it is
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    Now it's your birthday! :)
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    @Michelle yes, it is. Im one year older and still as childish as ever. I think you can count this as success ^^

    And thank you, you were the first person to congratulate me
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    I would ask for your age, but I'm not sure if you're comfortable with that, so I won't.

    Of course I am. :) Nobody else cam't wish you a happy birthday at midnight lol. (Assuming it is Midnight because of your other reply.)
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    So you're curious, otherwise you would have never said that ;). I'm not saying more than what's written on my profile (uint5_t age), at least not on a public chat.
    Yes, it's midnight here (or was). But i got some friends who are still awake on this hour and i know some people in the us and canada too.
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    I'm always curious as to the ages of devRant users. Even the ones I don't know. :)

    I guess they didn't think it was official to say happy birthday yet.
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    @Michelle well, my age is just a number, and it matches neither my looks nor my behaviour ^^"

    Hm, maybe. Lets see if one of the guys still online remembers when we go shodan-shopping today. But i wouldn't blame him if he forgets, it happens to me too.

    Btw: why did you not name yourself mi-shell on here? I feel like this is a huge missed opportunity
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    Oh my gosh, where did you get the idea?? Did you read my cringy poems? How did you know about them and who else has read them? D:

    I didn't do it, because the idea didn't occur to me at the time.
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    @Michelle what idea? Yes, i'd love to read your peoms very much.
    Uhh, yes i've read all your poems. A lockpick and linux-bootstick helped me.
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    The mi-shell thing was something in my poem. The last two lines on my most cringest. I had a mini heart attack and thought the devRant users were finding my stuff lol.
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    @Michelle maybe i'll search the interwebs for it today. I don't have anything else to do since the shodan-shopping has been canceled
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    You won't find it. Please don't search too deep.
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    @Michelle i won't find it? That's sad. Then i'll spend the rest of the day configuring jenkins
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    @gitpull can we convince linux-distros to add "/bin/mi" as a symlink to /bin/sh"? We could add my laden-shell while we're add it, imagine typing "/bin/laden -c kill" ^^"
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    @YouAreAPIRate xD
    Also keep in mind that her origins are from the same area as Osama ^^
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    Coincidence? I don't think so :)
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    @gitpull welp, im german, so im not better in this regard ^^"

    But that explains my habit of annexi... logging into austrian servers
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    @YouAreAPIRate Da sieh's mal einer an. Du, Kollege, was gibste mir denn nicht Bescheid?! :D
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    @gitpull woher konnt ich denn wissen dass du nen deutscher bist? Also ikke hab das im profil stehen. Allerdings wollt ich da schreiben "irgendwo in deutschland, melde mich wenn ich mehr weiß" aber der platz war net da
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    @YouAreAPIRate hättest mich genauer stalken müssen 😌😅😅😅.
    Ich habe es des Öfteren angewandt.
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    Natürlich spaße ich nur. Tue es Bitte nicht haha
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    @gitpull solange etwas nichts mit code zu tun hat bleibt es nicht sehr lange in meinem kopf. Das gilt leider auch für namen, geburtsdatrn, gesichter etc. ^^""
    Und keine sorge, du bist nicht der erste auf meiner zu-stalken-liste
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    from Deutschland import gitpull/ElsSnek
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    Jetzt habe ich es verewigt
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    @gitpull auch trotz syntaxfehler eine gute merkhilfe ^^
    Was passiert wenn ich das dreimal hintereinander im interpreter eingebe?
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