
In my job - I have nothing meaningful to do and it drives me fucking insane, I'm pulling my hair out of boredom. Got nothing to do that makes me proud at the end of the day. I'm going through Lynda courses all day... Bored. Out. Of. My. Mind. Can't quit either because the pay is too high. I'm stuck. Shit. Crap. Damn it :-(

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    Don’t let the 9to5 define you. Let the things you do outside of those confines inspire you and maybe those things can one day be your 9to5.
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    Consider yourself lucky that you have free time on the job. You’re getting paid to watch the Lynda courses, to read those books and articles, to listen to those podcasts, to scroll through Twitter and devRants and Reddit and everything else.

    Use it to your advantage. 😉
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