
The most comprehensive software is powered by spaghetti code. I've just realised that if it's old/matured, it was almost nearly impossible for the code to be coherent or neat. No design patterns. A lengthy trail of ACLs and conditionals reading from a util/helper static method that would make javaScript callback hell's head spin and green with envy

These massive, ready-made software overbloated with features plastered in seem built in a hurry to churn out functionality to make stakeholder and client happy in the shortest amount of time. The authors are hailed as 10x devs. But to you, the maintainer, they are Tetanus that make you crave to rip your eyes out of their sockets

  • 1
    Says the script kiddy that's only coded in JS. There are some well written code bases.
  • 1
    @atheist that's true, although I have only seen one codebase who was successful in delivery and quality at the same time in professional career regarding bigger projects. It was a php project. The best quality project was so slow in delivery that I considered it as a failing project.

    The quality code bases are more common in open source projects I guess.

    I prefer good quality over high quality.
  • 0
    What's wrong with utility methods/classes?
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