
Ahahaha I don't know if I cry or laugh..

I slept 1 hour today, woke up, left the kid at school came back home planning on sleeping another 2 hours and coming to work.

Took a shower and remembered I had an important meeting by 8:30 am and it was already 8:10 ... Ran like fucking crazy , ate an orange for breakfast ran like a lunatic in traffic just to arrive at work by 8:34 and be told the meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon...

Had to smile to who rescheduled the meeting right now writing this rant :)

Now... Who the fuck sends an email at 00:02 to reschedule a fucking meeting??


  • 10
    @irene yeah haha my day started yesterday *facepalm*
  • 3
    Not good. I'd just take the day off. You're not gonna do anything productive anyway, unless you're on some restricted substances, in which case Zamolxis have mercy on your soul.
  • 4
    @AndSoWeCode hahah I can be quite productive until noon like that

    But I can feel my soul dying slowly already.
  • 2
    A fellow dev might have rescheduled it at 00.02
  • 1
    @navin unfortunately it was management.
  • 3
    @azous :o What? mgt awake at 0000? impozzible!
  • 0
    @Condor you forgot --no-preserve-root ?
  • 0
    @Condor as much as I remember, when I last time did rm -rf /* , it wasn't deleting many of the files and that's why I now also use --no-preserve-root whenever any of vm users tell me that they are not requiring Linux for time being.
    Yes.... I live amidst those fucking turds who use windows for NO REASON!!! They think in general Windows is better 😐
  • 0
    @irene got it....
  • 0
    @irene ofc I used it with sudo only
  • 1
    @azous yeah, I believe you. However will you be productive the day after that? That's how people get burned.
  • 1
    @AndSoWeCode I hope so, let's see how today goes :D
  • 1
    @irene hahahahaha what??
  • 1
    @irene oh, ok. I will ma'am
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